Why Tater Tot Hot Dish?

Welcome to my blog, and thanks for reading my first post. I’m starting off really simple and explaining why I chose “Tater Tot Hot Dish” as my blog title. Well why not? It’s only one of the best meals someone can eat!!

Really, it took me a while to decide on a title for this. I know it’s not a big deal, but I didn’t want something that I would come to in a couple weeks and think, “Why did I ever choose that?” And who knows, I may still have those thoughts, but I wanted a title that was general and original.  At first I thought of something like “My 2 Cents”, but I thought that was kind of corny and cliche. Plus, it sounds like I’m just going to complain about something each time, and I hope I don’t do that. So after trying a few other titles out, I got bored and started thinking about what I would make for supper. And of course, who wouldn’t want Tater Tot Hot Dish?! Well, I didn’t have ANYTHING available to make the meal, but I did finally settle on a name for a blog. I thought it fit nicely, because a hot dish is really just a random assortment of different foods, thrown together, and heated in an oven for a while.

That’s basically what I expect this blog to be – a random assortment of topics, and ideas, and opinions, all thrown together on Weebly, and there for the world to enjoy.  And I’ll be honest, I fully expect to be the only person to read these posts, and that’s okay. I’ll enjoy entertaining myself. I just enjoy writing, and I have some more time on my hands than I used to, so I figure it will be a good activity (and stress reliever). So, if you happen to be reading this, there’s my explanation for the random title.

So… since I’m talking about Tater Tot Hot Dish, I have to ask. Do you like Tater Tot Hot Dish? Did you come here looking for a recipe? I LOVE Tater Tot Hot Dish. I don’t even really have a recipe, I just throw different stuff together every time. I like to put a variety of vegetables in mine. I’ve tried some that only have meat, tots, and corn, and it’s fine, but I really prefer to have green beans in there too. I’ve tried it with other ingredients, but that is my favorite – browned ground beef, tots, corn, and green beans, throw in some cream of mushroom soup, put it in the oven for about an hour and a half, and you’re good to go. It’s so simple, yet so delicious. And what about ketchup? I will admit, I am one of those people that has to have ketchup on it. I put ketchup on a lot of things though. Either way, the hot dish is good. I have also tried a variety with cheesy tater tots – I’ve never made it myself, but it was really good! So do you have any secrets to share about Tater Tot Hot Dish? (I probably don’t need to capitalize that every time, but it’s so good, maybe it does deserve capital letters…)

Thanks for stopping by; come back again when I have more (and more interesting) posts!IMG_8735.jpg

Why Tater Tot Hot Dish?

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