To Read or Not To Read?

I have a dilemma that I run into every once in a while. I start reading a new book, and shortly into it – say, a few chapters in, or even a quarter of the way – I am just not feeling it. It might not even be a boring book, but it is just difficult to stay motivated to read it. So I need to decide – do I keep reading this book, even though it isn’t really grabbing my attention, and hope it changes or grows on me, or do I give up on it and start a different book? Do you ever have that problem?

This has happened to me quite a few times, as I’m sure it has with any avid reader. Lately, I’ve had a lot more free time on my hands, so I’ve been more willing to stick with it and hope the book just takes some time to get into. But if it’s a busy time of the year, and I maybe only have 15-30 minutes a day when I can spend time reading, I’m not always as willing to stick it out. In those times, I am much more likely to feel like I am wasting valuable time on something that I am not enjoying, and pick a new book to read. But during slower times in life, when I spend an hour or more reading each day, I don’t necessarily throw the towel in so quickly.

So is it better to just stick with a book, even though you may not be enjoying it? I think it really depends on the situation. If, like in the example I gave, your time is precious and you don’t get to spend much time reading, maybe it is best to make sure you are enjoying each book you are reading. You also need to try to decide if you think the book will get better as you go along. Is it a genre or style that you usually enjoy? Is it written by an author that you’ve enjoyed in the past? Do you have a habit of taking a while to connect with a book? If any of these are true, maybe it is good to keep chugging along to see if it gets better, because it is definitely a good possibility. And sometimes, it is great to finish the book, regardless of if you’re enjoying it or not. It can’t hurt, and maybe it will get better?

Obviously, this is a personal decision, and really only affects the person doing the reading, but it is a problem I have faced multiple times. Sometimes I keep trying to enjoy it and eventually lose interest and start a new book, and sometimes I end up getting to a point and realizing I actually enjoy the book. One example – the book I just finished reading – Pet Semetary by Stephen King. I’ve read books by King before, and he’s been kind of hit or miss for me. I think my mood has a lot to do with whether I enjoy his books or not. I read 1963 while on a cross-country charter bus, so I had plenty of time to read, and there wasn’t anything else that I wanted to be doing at the time. I really enjoyed that book, despite the slow-moving story line. With Pet Semetary, I read it at home for about an hour before bed each night. It wasn’t really grabbing my interest too much, especially through the first half of the book or so. But at the same time, I didn’t hate it and was interested in how it would end, so I kept going. I finally finished it last night, and I was pleased to find that I actually enjoyed the book. I wouldn’t consider it one of my favorite books ever, and probably won’t read it again, but I’m not disappointed I finished it because it was pretty good and not a “waste of my time.”

I do need to give one more example, because it is the example I go back to EVERY time I face this problem: the Harry Potter series. I grew up with the Harry Potter series, graduating from high school only a couple years before Harry finished off Voldemort for good, and I love the books. They are probably my favorite books to read; I don’t think they are the best written books, but there are so many reasons that I love them that I’m sure I will talk about another day. Anyway, I love the series, but at first I did not like them. I remember trying to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone the first time.  I had gotten the book for my birthday, and I believe I was in about 4th or 5th grade. I read probably the first 7 or 8 chapters, but just wasn’t understanding what all the fuss was about, so I moved on to something different. Well, a year later I gave it another shot, and I was hooked for life! I don’t know why it didn’t click the first time I tried, but I am sure glad I tried again!

So – to read or not to read? There obviously isn’t one right answer, it really depends on the individual and their specific circumstance. But, whenever possible, I usually try to keep reading, and more often than not, I am glad I did.

Are there any books that you had trouble reading at first that went on to become a beloved book for you?

To Read or Not To Read?

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